The Secret Recipe to Successfully Detox Your Child (that many miss out on!)
Many parents want to dive into detox as soon as they know the benefits, so they skip the most important step: DRAINAGE!
Supporting the drainage funnel (liver, kidneys, bowel, skin etc) is crucial and something we must do BEFORE detoxing our child.
Slower is always better. Many things need to be taken into consideration when optimising your child’s ability to get rid of toxins, pathogens and heavy metals.
The safest way to support your child’s detox pathways is to ensure that these 5 things are prioritised daily.
5 Strategies to Support Your Child’s Mood and Behaviour
I know first-hand how challenging it can be to parent a child with anxiety, imbalanced moods and other behavioural issues.
The underlying factors of these behaviours are often many, but there is always a nutritional and biochemical element to these symptoms.
Why Gluten and Dairy Might Make Your Child’s Autism Worse
Did you know that non-celiac gluten sensitivity can cause brain inflammation and dysfunction in your child?
If your child with autism is consuming gluten and showing symptoms of: Chronic fatigue, brain fog and cognitive impairment.
Then removing gluten (including, casein and soy) might be of huge benefit to your child’s development and ability to overcome behavioural symptoms.
6 Reasons Why I Always Recommend Doing an Organic Acids Test (at least once!)
I know what most of you are thinking - what the heck is an OAT?! The Organic Acids Test (OAT) is a urine test that I always recommend to the families I work with in clinic.
This is a metabolic panel that provides a wide range of data about a child from one fairly simple collection:
Gut & intestinal dysbiosis, yeast overgrowth, energy production, neurotransmitter metabolism, nutritional deficiencies, fatty acid metabolism, methylation status and more.
Support Your Child’s Brain Health by Doing These 6 Things
Is your child struggling with any of the following symptoms:
Anxiety, sleep issues, cognitive development, behavioural issues, speech delay & communication problems?
Then these daily habits are a great way to start supporting your child’s brain health and bringing the body back to balance!